By the time I was 13 I had visited over 5 different schools across the states. My parents wanted me to have the best of educations. That makes perfect sense...
The first school I attented was in Canada. It was a very big school, and we played around all day. It was one of the best in the Vancouver area, so the first years were grand. I always was a good student even if I didn't study THAT much. I was MUCH better at sports.
By the time I was 8 my parents wanted me to 'know the world'. They wanted me to be a child who had no need to depend in his parents. They succeeded in that aspect. At 8 I was sent to Seattle, where I spent a whole year.
At 9 years old, they changed me again. I was sent this time to Las Vegas. It was a fantastic experience for me. I lasted there another year. Indeed, I had effectively learned to make friends easily and that's how I met so much different people.
At 10, my next stop was Chicago. I lasted THERE two years, for a change. The city of the wind was pretty exciting and by this time I was completely on my own. At 12, before leaving, a got a small job. My height and awareness helped me get through just about anyone and anything.
At 12, I was finally sent to an Academy in Detroit. Now, that was pretty wild. I had developed a sense of wanting to research all around. We usually took buses in the night, sneaked out, went to different cities around, and arrived JUST in time for classes. This was my worst year academically speaking. I basically had no sleep, so my energy levels, by the time I went to classes were downright pathetic.
At 13, and after HORRIBLE grades (although I didn't FLUNK in anything, because of MY CHARMS, honestly!) my parents sent me to me life long dream: the EFI- European Flight Institute- in LONDON, ENGLAND. When I arrived, I was a skinny, high, boy, with absolutely no sense of discipline. By the time I left, I had muscles all around, I had a strict sports routine every day, I was wild, but with measure and I had learned to plan myself to a point, I had become and enterpriser already. This is where I met Richard, and we became best friends. Jerk. I left a year and a half later, my mom had gotten sick and they needed me back in Canada.
So... at 14 and a half... I was basically a stranger to Canada. I had lived there for 8 years, but the last 6 years, I'd been traveling around, just going over to my parent's when I had vacations.
This is the most critical point in my life. As you can imagine, I had met different women around. I had become interested in them at 12, OFFICIALLY. I had my first girlfriend at 11, though. After that, it was woman after woman, and i'm not even talking about the EFI experience. xD At 14 and a half, I met her. My first Compromise. Indeed, I last with Christine a little more than a year. We were completely committed with the other, until the bitch betrayed me, fucking whore. AHEM. Anyways...
At 16 my parents died in a car crash. The family decided it would be best if Lucy and I were together in the Rockefeller Academy in Boston. That's how I landed there in the first place. With Ashley... I don't really know what happened, but there was a great ruckus. Ashley spoke with grandpa, and after that he had announced, she would be travelling around the world, while we were at the Academy. I didn't get it in the moment. Then again, I had been dumped, and i was furious with the world.
Point. Take things slowly, when you do, you get to know a lot of things, and you learn a little bit more of all the circumstances around you.